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Museum of Zoology

Recent News

MLive Reports On 10,000th CT Scan of a Wolverine Skull

Researchers mark the 10,000th CT scan with a campus icon -- the skull of a wolverine.

Let’s Talk Plants with Dr. Aly Baumgartner

Dr. Aly Baumgartner is the Collection Manager of Vascular Plants for the University of Michigan’s Herbarium, which contains more than 1.75 million specimens. She fills us in on smell tours and her dream of a Mega Herbarium.

Research Feature

A University of Michigan EEB led team documented 15 rare predator-prey interactions in the Amazon rainforest including images and video of a dinner plate-size tarantula dragging a young opossum.

Warning to arachnophobes: The video below is the stuff of nightmares!

(more information)

Please NoteThe Museum of Zoology is a research facility. It is not usually open to the public. Please refer to the Museum of Natural History website if you wish to visit.