
Contestants:  QMSS minors and current or former QMSS students.  Enrollment of Contestants is Full!  Can’t wait to see what our students do!  

Audience Member/Judges: Anyone is welcome! The collective rankings of the audience will make-up one of the Judge Scores! (pre-enrollment as an audience member/judge is not required but it will help us with food and door prize ordering!)

A game-oriented opportunity to try out your Data Vis skills in Excel or Tableau!  Familiar with Chopped on Food Network? Our competition (with no chopping!) will have an appetizer, main course and desert round! Contestants will be given a “basket of data” to translate into a good visualization/chart each round! The winner of each round may just get an advantage in the next! ;) And Beware, as puzzles or fun side-challenges may be thrown at you while you work! (Coaches will be available for minor technical help!)

Judges will consider components of good visualizations (clear storytelling, use of color, language and labeling, etc)! This is a friendly competition, not a test! What can YOU come up with in the time given!

March 23, 6:00-7:30 PM

LSA 1280

Register here to participate as an audience member/judge!