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As far as possible, IPAMAA is designed to encourage students, from the start, to pursue their own research interests and goals. This is matched, however, by the need to ensure that students receive the broad and well-balanced training which is an essential prerequisite for undertaking doctoral-level research and for subsequent success in professional placement. Consequently, certain formal requirements are part of IPAMAA expectations.

In brief, students are required to:

  • Register for each fall and winter semester from matriculation to degree completion.
  • Enroll in an introductory one-credit Proseminar in Classical Archaeology in the Fall semester of their first year.
  • Adhere to a regular course-load of four courses per semester (three courses in semesters when a student is teaching.)
  • Take at least five three-credit graduate courses in art and archaeology and one graduate-level course in ancient history, i.e., a 600-level course such as History 630.
  • Take the Theoretical Approaches to Ancient Mediterranean Art and Archaeology course offered by Classics every two years.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in two ancient languages (at least one must be ancient Greek or Latin) and the modern languages necessary for each student's personal research (which may include German, French, Italian, modern Greek, Spanish, Italian, modern Greek, Turkish, Arabic, or other languages.)
  • Pass an ancient history examination at the end of their first year.
  • Complete successfully two sets of archaeological examinations: the Qualifying Exams (normally taken at the end of the second year) and the Preliminary Exams (normally taken before the end of the third year.)
  • Conceive of an original and viable doctoral dissertation topic, choose a dissertation chair, and form a dissertation committee.
  • Compose and defend dissertation prospectus in consultation with dissertation committee.
  • Write a doctoral dissertation (normally completed in three to four years) in regular consultation with dissertation committee and report periodically to the IPAMAA Executive Committee on progress towards completion.
  • Defend dissertation before dissertation committee.

Further information about these requirements may be found by clicking on the links below. Full details of the official regulations governing the Program are provided in the IPAMAA Handbook.