Fellowships and awards for graduate students vary widely; they range from small internal awards that help defray costs for travel, to fellowships that cover costs for a full year of study or research. Although IPAMAA students are encouraged to apply for fellowships throughout their career, fellowship applications become particularly critical after the student has achieved Candidacy and is embarking on dissertation research.
IPAMAA Summer Support and Conference Travel Awards
Each IPAMAA student in their 6th year or below, who does not have a Rackham or similar fellowship that includes a summer stipend, receives automatic Summer Support in the amount of $12,028.
IPAMAA students may also apply to the IPAMAA Director for occasional Conference Travel Awards of up to $400. Additional research awards may also be available during the academic year depending on a student's particular needs and the program's current financial situation. IPAMAA encourages its students to inquire about these options with our faculty and/or administrators
Other major funding resources available to IPAMAA students are listed below (both internal and external sources). For more complete details students should consult the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Students funding page.
U-M College of LSA International Travel Policy
All U-M students traveling abroad for university-related purposes (i.e., participating in study, research, or internship programs organized or supported by LSA departments/units or for which LSA in-residence credit is granted) are bound by the College of LSA International Travel Policy.
To receive funding/credit for their international experiences, students are required to:
• Register their travel in the MCompass Travel Registry
• Purchase U-M’s Travel Abroad Health Insurance and upload card to MCompass
• Provide contact information in case of emergency on MCompass
• Submit a safety plan if traveling to a U-M Travel Warning/Restriction destination. (Safety plans must be submitted at least 3 weeks prior to departure and MUST be approved before funding can be released)
Learn more about the requirements and find travel resources on the LSA Travel website. You can also find additional resources on Global Michigan.
A special note regarding Rackham Graduate Student Research Grants: If you are awarded an Rackham Graduate Research Grant, IPAMAA will request that Rackham deposit your grant into an IPAMAA account created specifically for these awards. Once IPAMAA receives your award, the program will distribute your funds through the Financial Aid system and will forward your relevant travel/research budgets (if applicable) to the Office of Financial Aid to satisfy their reporting regulations for student payment for non-employment purposes.