Sugar, a high-energy food, is rare in nature. Our bodies evolved to desire it, and to feel as though we can’t get enough. But now, sugar is everywhere. People over-consume, resulting in more obesity and related illnesses.

People think obesity comes from enjoying sugar too much, but research shows the opposite is actually true—the more sugar you eat, the less you can taste and enjoy the sweetness. People then seek out even more sugar to get the same pleasure.

Meet Monica Dus

Monica Dus, PhD, is Assistant Professor of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology at the University of Michigan.


Studying Fruit Flies in the Lab

Dus’s lab studies the model organism Drosophila melanogaster, the common fruit flies in your kitchen.

  • Their generation time is only 10–12 days.
  • They are inexpensive and don’t require a lot of space.
  • They are easier to mutate since they only have four pairs of chromosomes.

A Lifelong Passion

Dus’s passion for genetics and fruit flies began in high school.


The Fruit Fly Proboscis

Fruit flies do not have teeth or a tongue. Instead, their taste sensors are on the outside of their trunk-like feeding extension, called a proboscis. Scientists can measure the extension response of the proboscis for research.


Different Types of Lab Experiments

In the lab, Dus’s team of researchers collect data about feeding patterns and behaviors of fruit flies. They try to connect behaviors to changes in the brain.


Effects of a High Sugar Diet

Dus’s research show that sugar changes your taste.


Sugar, Sugar Everywhere

Balancing our love of sugar with a healthy diet.


Everyone is a Scientist

If you make observations in your everyday life, you are a scientist!