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What's Going On at MEMS?

Dear Friends,

MEMS continues to sponsor the Premodern Colloquium (meets Sunday afternoons once a month) as well as occasional MEMS Lectures.

We hope you will join us, and watch the website calendar of events for upcoming lectures and other activities of interest!

The Fragments Workshop: Romanization in the Middle of Nowhere

Carlos Norena, University of California-Berkeley
Thursday, October 20, 2016
4:00-7:00 PM
1022 202 S. Thayer Map
This paper addresses the problem of historical change in the provincial backwater of a large premodern empire. It examines the evidence for urban form, cultural identity, political organization, and social hierarchy in Segobriga, an insignificant Roman municipality in central Spain (the province of Hispania Tarraconensis) during the period c. 200 BCE to 200 CE.
Respondents: Nina Safran (Iberian Spain), Penn State; Erin Brightwell (medieval Japan), U-M Asian Languages and Cultures; Anna McCourt (South Asia), PhD student, U-M Anthropology & History
Building: 202 S. Thayer
Event Type: Workshop / Seminar
Tags: European, History, Research
Source: Happening @ Michigan from Medieval and Early Modern Studies (MEMS), International Institute, Asian Languages and Cultures, U-M Office of Research, Department of History