Arthur F. Thurnau Professor Emerita of English, American Culture, and Women's and Gender Studies
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Women's and Gender Studies
Ph.D., University of California, San Diego, 1979
June Howard is Arthur F. Thurnau Professor Emerita of English, American Culture, and Women's and Gender Studies. She is the author of Form and History in American Literary Naturalism (1985) and Publishing the Family (2001), and she has published articles on various authors and issues in cultural theory in addition to editing and contributing to a book of essays on Sarah Orne Jewett's Country of the Pointed Firs (1994). Professor Howard has received a Faculty Recognition Award, an Amoco Good Teaching Award, and a Distinguished Faculty Award, as well as holding a Fulbright Professorship in Denmark in 2013 and serving as Chair of the Department of American Culture from 2014 through 2017. Her book titled The Center of the World: Regional Writing and the Puzzles of Placetime (2018) was published by Oxford University Press.
- Faculty: Department of English Language & Literature
- Faculty: Department of American Culture
- Faculty Affiliate: Department of Women's and Gender Studies
Field(s) of Study
- Late 19th- and early 20th-century U.S. literature and culture, cultural and social theory (esp. genre criticism, materialist and feminist theory), American studies, women's studies.