Senior Associate Dean of Professional Graduate Studies & Professional Relations; Carolyn M. Sampselle Collegiate Professor of Nursing; Professor of Women's and Gender Studies and Obstetrics and Gynecology
[email protected]
Office Information:
2119 Lane Hall, 204 S. State St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1290
phone: 734.615.6612
Women's and Gender Studies
PhD University of Michigan
Graduate Certificate in Women’s Studies University of Michigan
Post Masters Certificate in Teaching University of Pennsylvania
M.S. University of Illinois at Chicago
BSN University of Michigan.
Lisa Kane Low received her bachelors degree in nursing from the University of Michigan, her MS degree in midwifery from the University of Illinois in Chicago, post masters certificate in teaching midwifery from University of Pennsylvania and finally her doctoral degree in Nursing and a certificate in Women's and Gender Studies from the University of Michigan. She is also a certified nurse midwife since 1987. Her research interests and publications focus on women's and adolescents experiences of childbirth including specific birth care practices, the role of doulas (trained providers of support to women and families during childbirth and postpartum), management of second stage labor as well as cultural understandings of the significance of the birth experience. She also has an ongoing collaborative project in Honduras to study Safe Motherhood Global Health policy being implemented in Honduras. She holds joint appointments in Women's and Gender Studies, the School of Nursing where she directs the Nurse Midwifery Education program and in the Department of OBGYN where she practices as a nurse midwife at University of Michigan Health System. Her courses include Perspectives in Women's Health, Women's Reproductive Health and Global health courses and study abroad programs in Honduras for undergraduate level and graduate level students.
Field(s) of Study
- Care practices during pregnancy and childbirth
- management of second stage labor, prevention of perineal trauma, socio-cultural influences on choices related to childbirth care practice including the use of Doulas, Midwives, and selection of birth site and use of elective cesarean section or induction of labor
- application of Global Safemotherhood Health Policy in low-resource communities, particularly Honduras and Latin America.