New style of Michigan Women's Studies t-shirts in women’s fit and sizes
“Michigan Women’s Studies” on the front and
“Well behaved women rarely make history – Laurel Thatcher Ulrich” on the back
Navy blue with white lettering
$16 includes shipping
Adult women’s sizes: __ L __ M __ S
sizes run small
Olive green with purple lettering
$20 includes shipping
Adult women’s sizes: __ L __ M __ S
sizes run small
also available:
Gray t-shirts with blue letters with the same text
adult and children’s sizes (regular t-shirt style)
$15 including shipping
Adult __ XXL __ XL __ L __ M __ X
Child __ 10-12 __ 6-8 __ 2-4
Order form
Name: __________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: __________________________________________________
Email (in case we have questions about your order): ________________________
Total number of blue women size t-shirts ______
Total number of gray t-shirts ____
Total amount enclosed: _____
Make check payable to University of Michigan
Send to: U-M WGS T-Shirt, 1122 Lane Hall, 204 S. State St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1290