John C. Catford Collegiate Professor of Linguistics
Office Information:
408 Lorch Hall, 1220
phone: 734.763.1302
Executive Committee;
Weinberg Institute
Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 1982
Pam Beddor is Professor of Linguistics. Her research areas include the acoustics of coarticulation, speech perception, and the relation between phonetics and phonology. She is particularly interested in the ways in which perception - especially perception of coarticulation - influences phonological systems, taking the view that better understanding of the perception-phonology relation is important to models of speech perception and phonological theory. A current series of cross-language experiments, supported by NSF, investigates the acoustics and perception of coarticulation as they pertain to certain widespread patterns of sound change.
Field(s) of Study
- Phonetics
- Phonetics-Phonology Interface
- Speech Perception