Raoul Wallenberg Institute Research Grants


The Raoul Wallenberg Institute at the University of Michigan is soliciting grant proposals from faculty at the University of Michigan for projects that address issues of ethnically or religiously based hatred and prejudice. 

The Wallenberg Institute fosters the values embodied by Raoul Wallenberg—empathy, tolerance, courage, and leadership—by studying hatred directed against religious and ethnic communities, fostering cross-cultural understanding, and elevating civic discourse. Through teaching, research, and public engagement, the Institute will develop strategies to combat antisemitism, divisiveness, and discrimination.

We are seeking projects which will:  

  • Add to scholarship on issues of religious and ethnic diversity, inclusion, and exclusion
  • Help make existing research on religious or ethnic based hatred accessible for use in fostering dialogue and tolerance in real-world situations
  • Apply data-driven research to develop and implement best practices for combating hatred
  • Improve campus climate through educational initiatives and new pedagogies

Projects can focus on topics and processes related to these issues historically, or at contemporary structural, systemic, institutional, interpersonal and/or intrapersonal levels, which could cover a wide array of topics, including, but not limited to:

  • Historical, literary, or cultural impacts of ethnic and religious hatred
  • Contemporary global conflicts, oppressions of peoples, and systemic prejudices
  • Inequity in health and wellbeing
  • Social movements and activist structures
  • Digital environments and social media
  • Community development and infrastructure
  • Education methodologies and pedagogy
  • Group experience and national policy
  • Social attitudes and responses to diversity
  • Relations between church and State
  • Criminal justice, policing, and incarceration
  • Business entities’ roles and responsibilities
  • Reforms of legal systems and institutions, domestic and international
  • Social scientific approaches to the origins, dynamics, and treatment of religious hatred

Applications from all disciplines are welcome, including STEM fields, social sciences, professional schools, humanities, and the arts. Proposals may address any related topic and must include deliverable benchmarks. 

Apply for a Raoul Wallenberg Institute Research Grant 

Now accepting Applications


Raoul Wallenberg Institute Grant Characteristics 


Priority will be given to applications that:

  • Advance understanding of ethnic and religious hatred and/or responses to such intolerance
  • Collaborate across disciplines and bring together a strong team representing faculty from at least two disciplines and at least two U-M academic or research units
  • Contain a public component, whether a publishable study, a public program, or a disseminatable tool.  Priority will be given to projects that help advance public understanding of and access to issues relating to the mission of the Raoul Wallenberg Institute

Proposal Requirements:

  • Project Title: Provide a descriptive title of no more than 125 characters, including spaces.
  • Narrative: 1500 words. The proposal should describe the project and its methodology, detail the project’s intellectual significance, discuss how it complements, challenges, or expands upon existing scholarship, and show how it contributes to the mission of the Raoul Wallenberg Institute. The proposal should also discuss your competences to undertake the project and include a dissemination plan.
  • Work Plan: 500 words. Summarize your work plan. Use a timeline that includes each activity. If you do not anticipate finishing the entire project during the period of the grant, discuss your future plans for doing so.
  • Budget:  Provide a budget describing how the funding will be used. Budgets can include salary support (including summer ninths), equipment and supplies, travel, and subcontracts, all in accordance with university regulations.
  • Personnel: Clearly indicate who the PI will be and provide CVs of faculty, students, and staff who will be funded by the grant and a brief description of each individual’s role and their competencies. 
  • Letters of support and additional materials may be solicited for finalists.

Key Dates:

  • February 21, 2025 - Proposals due 
  • April 2025 - Funding notifications 
  • Summer or Fall 2025 Anticipated project start date 

This is a recurring funding opportunity with RFPs released in the fall and/or winter, as resources allow. This will be the only solicitation released for the 2024-2025 Academic Year

Click HERE to apply

Questions about the Raoul Wallenberg Institute Research Grants may be directed to Dr. Miriam Mora at [email protected]

Current Research Projects