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"Can one person make a difference, and if so, how?"

Raoul Wallenberg Conversation Series
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
5:00-7:00 PM
Amphitheatre Rackham Graduate School (Horace H.) Map
Inspired by the historical figures of Raoul Wallenberg and Martin Luther King Jr., the Raoul Wallenberg Institute hosts an interdisciplinary and intergenerational conversation about the role of the individual in making change. Expert and activist panelists will examine various instances of individual and group influence to enact change, discussing the merit of trying and failing, the different ways that individuals have sought to influence the world around them, and how to measure and evaluate “making a difference.”

-Irene Butter, Professor Emerita of Public Health, Holocaust survivor, and peace activist

-Matthew J. Countryman, Associate Professor of Afroamerican & African Studies, and History

-Sooyun Christina Kim, Undergraduate LSA - Student

-Elliot Ratzman, Research Fellow, Raoul Wallenberg Institute

-Jeffrey Veidlinger, Moderator: Director, Raoul Wallenberg Institute
Building: Rackham Graduate School (Horace H.)
Event Type: Lecture / Discussion
Tags: Discussion
Source: Happening @ Michigan from Raoul Wallenberg Institute