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Poster & Oral Presentations Resources

Poster Resources :


32" x 40" Landscape and portrait poster orientations are permitted. 


Posters should be created in PowerPoint and saved as a PDF. 

Joint Poster

No more than two students are permitted to collaborate on one poster.

Poster Printing 

Students must recieve their mentor's approval prior to submitting their poster to the Fishbowl Printing. Students who have not recieved their mentor's approval may be charged for the full price of the poster, and will be denied Symposium participation.

Students will print their poster through the UROP Office. Posters MUST be submitted in PDF format. Any other format will not be accepted. 

*Posters must be submitted with the with UROP as the first line of the document title (example: UROPSympPoster_uniqname)*

*Students who cannot make the deadline could be responsible for their own poster printing and payment.**

Fishbowl Poster Printing Instructions 

Workshop Recording



Oral Presentations (Research Scholars Only) Resources:

Presentation Overview: There will be 4-5 scholars scheduled during each 50-minute presentation session. Each scholar is expected to give a 10-minute oral presentation accompanied by google slides. This will allow for 8-10 minutes of Q & A at the end of the presentations. 

The presentation room will be set up lecture-style with a podium and projector. The podium will hold a laptop with your google slides uploaded and ready to go when you arrive.   

Room Facilitator: Each oral presentation room will have a facilitator that will be responsible for introducing each scholar and keeping time. The facilitator will hold index cards to announce when 5-minutes, 3-minutes and 1-minute are remaining. 

Presentation Slides & Upload: Oral presentations must be created in google slides for accessibility purposes. If short videos or website URLs are a part of the presentation they must be embedded into the google slide presentation. 

Once the mentor approval for symposium registration is completed, each scholar will be invited to upload their mentor-approved google slide presentation to this shared google drive between Monday, July  22 - Monday, July 29.

You have until Monday, July 29 at 11:59 p.m. to make any final edits or changes to your presentation or to upload your finalized presentation to the shared google drive folder.  All access will be removed on  Monday, July 29 at 11:59 p.m.

Edits to the presentation google slides will not be allowed past this date. Please note that all finalized presentations should be mentor-approved. 

A combined google slide show for each presentation session will be created and used the day of the symposium.  

Any questions about oral presentations contact [email protected] and include in the subject heading “UROP Oral presentation.”