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Skill-Building Workshops

The skill-building workshops offered through UROP are required or recommended by UROP mentors as skills that are necessary to be successful as a part of their research project. The workshops are agreed upon between the mentor and mentee when completing their mentor/mentee agreement. Students are encouraged and welcome to attend workshops that are recommended by their mentor or that they are interested in.

Time spent completing skill-building workshops can be included in the hours that the student reports on their timesheet. 

The UROP Skill-Buildling Workshop Guide is a dynamic link with workshop information, training materials, and tutorial links for every skills mentors have indicated would help UROP students be successful on their research project. This guide is the primary resource for all thngs related to UROP Workshops.

For the most accurate list of individually required and recommended workshops, UROP students should refer to the Workshop menu in their Student Portal, or check their first mentor/mentee agreement contract email. 

Workshop completion reporting is strictly for students participating in UROP during the academic year. Upon completion of any skill-building workshops, UROP Students should upload a PDF copy of their workshop completion confirmation in the UROP Student Portal "Workshops" section. The time spent attending and completing skill-building workshops and training are considered hours spent on your research project and should be reported on your timesheet.

Step-by-Step instructions for workshop completion reporting is also available in the Workshop Guide.


Contact: For questions about workshops please contact [email protected]