On March 22, the Austria Archaeological Institute presents a hybrid lecture by Dr. Michael Galaty: "Coast, Mountain, Plain: Results from a Three-Project Transect Across Northern Albania and into Kosova."
Over the course of two decades, Galaty and colleagues have conducted systematic intensive surveys, site collections, and test excavations across northern Albania and western Kosova. Projects in Shkodër close to the sea, in Shala in the high mountains, and in Peja and Istog on the Dukagjin Plain shed new light on local archaeological records, from prehistory to the present, and on interregional interactions. This presentation will review and compare the results of all three research projects, in particular in terms of shifting settlement patterns and with a focus on changes in social organization from the Neolithic through the Iron Age.
This lecture is part of the World Archaeology Seminars series.
Date: Wednesday, March 22, 12:30 pm EST
Location: Seminarraum, 1. Stock, Hollandstraße 11-13, 1020 Vienna and via Zoom
Zoom link: https://oeaw-ac-at.zoom.us/j/94424481609?pwd=VHRuSVlVTjlmZVdZU0ZzYWR5eHFwdz09
Meeting-ID: 944 2448 1609
Kenncode: 2Df0r0