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UMMAA is currently (as of December 2024) experiencing an unusually large number of requests for access to collections. As a result, requests relating to NAGPRA will be prioritized. Please be patient. We will respond to your request as soon as we can. If you need to access collections of any kind, you must submit your request via this request form.

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Photographing Museum Collections Policy

The Museum of Anthropological Archaeology is a research museum dedicated to disseminating information about its collection to researchers, students, and the interested public. To help further this mission, the Museum of Anthropological Archaeology will, in certain instances, grant permission to individuals to take photographs of objects in its permanent collections that are not ordinarily accessible to the public. If permission is requested and granted, the Photographer hereby agrees to the following conditions:

1. The Photographer agrees to make available to the UMMAA a copy of all images photographed, captured, or preserved in any medium.

2. The Photographer grants a nonexclusive license in perpetuity to the UMMAA and the Regents of the University of Michigan to use the images in any medium or capacity for non-profit or educational purposes.

3. The UMMAA understands that the images taken may be used in future public presentations, publications, or other media written or produced by the Photographer. All published images (in any media) of the UMMAA’s objects must be accompanied by the credit line: Courtesy of The University of Michigan Museum of Anthropological Archaeology, UMMAA (insert catalog number if applicable).

4. The Photographer will provide the UMMAA a copy of any published work in which an image of one of its objects appears. For images published on the World Wide Web, a URL for the image must be provided to the Museum. The Museum reserves the right to disallow the use of an image if it feels the Web site is derogatory, harmful, or lacking in educational value in any way.

5. The use of images of UMMAA objects, taken by the Photographer or by UMMAA, must receive prior permission for use in commercial or for profit publications and may include a use-fee.

6. It is the responsibility of the photographer to use due diligence when photographing objects. Any damage that occurs while working with collections must be reported directly to the Collections Manager. The Museum may ask for monies to pay for the restoration, repair or replacement of materials.

7. The researcher’s signature shall constitute agreement to all the conditions stated herein.