Telling It
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CBS Detroit: Telling It helps kids thrive
Local news gives viewers an in-depth look at Telling It in action.
Telling It featured by Washtenaw United on WEMU 89.1
Deb Gordon-Gurfinkel and Kelly Kundrat were interviewed by host David Fair on April 29, 2024.
Telling It Anthologies
The anthology booklets reflect the creativity of children and teens who attended the weekly Telling It program sessions. The youth take enormous pride in how these anthologies reflect their intrinsic selves as resilient and strong young people who want their voices to be heard. Click below to view recent volumes!
Staff Testimonial: McCrea
“This is my first time inside of (a) juvenile detention center. But it was not my first time being around these kids. I grew up with these kids. These kids are me. They are creative, they are playful, they are lively, they are loving, they have made some mistakes, they are Human.
"They all made decisions that landed them here, but the decisions were not made in a vacuum. They were decisions made by kids who were failed by a system. Affected by so many factors that they are unaware of.
"The work that Telling It does reminds me that these are children. It reminds the correction officers, and most importantly, it reminds the kids themselves.
"I pray they feel seen. I pray that they feel that people care about them and their well-being. And I pray that they feel empowered when they leave the Telling It space.”
We strive to support our students and faculty on the front lines of learning and research and to steward our planet, our community, our campus. To do this, Telling It needs your support.
“[Because of Telling It,] I’ve seen a couple come out of their shell. They were just pretty much lost to themselves, like total introverts, but I have seen them come out and...socialize with small groups of different kids.”
-YCMS Teacher
“Lots of people should join (Telling It) with mental health problems. This would literally save lives.”
-YCMS Student