User Groups: | Student Services ; Faculty Services ; Researcher Services |
Categories: | Research Support & Tools |
LSA Technology Services' Research Computing and Infrastructure staff provide help in coding, using, and storing output produced using:
The College of Literature, Science, and the Arts provides cost-sharing for researchers in College units paying for their use of the Great Lakes cluster on unit shortcodes. Unit cost-sharing information is also available on the Great Lakes Rates page.
LSA researchers who do not have access to any other account may be eligible to use the accounts provided centrally by LSA. Questions about access or use of these accounts should be sent to [email protected].
For fiscal years 2022–23, 2023–24, and 2024-25, the College also approved providing cost-sharing for researchers in College units paying for their monthly operating expenses in the Lighthouse HPC environment on unit shortcodes. We do not anticipate continuing the LSA subsidy for Lighthouse nodes after FY2025 due to the small number of people who use service across U-M and LSA. Please plan accordingly for the change in cost that would occur at the start of FY2026 if you continue to use Lighthouse.
Specific discounts are identified on the Lighthouse Rates page.
Faculty, staff, and students in LSA.
We provide office hours, training classes and workshops for support of these resources and for various computing languages.
To submit a request for assistance, please email [email protected].
User Groups: | Student Services ; Faculty Services ; Researcher Services |
Categories: | Research Support & Tools |
G155 Angell Hall, 435 South State St, Ann Arbor, MI 48109–1003
[email protected]