The LSA TS Geographic Information System (GIS) consulting service provides assistance with a variety of mapping- and geospatial-related topics, such as:
Making maps — Have data that you want to plot on a map to use in a class or include in a grant proposal or publication?
Geospatial analysis — Need to identify spatial patterns and trends in your data?
Georeferencing — Have a historic paper map or a hand-drawn sketch, which you want to use as a basemap, on which you want to plot your own data?
Geocoding — Need to convert a spreadsheet with addresses into latitude-longitude so you can plot your data on a map?
StoryMaps — Want to harness the power of maps to tell your story?
Mobile GIS — Looking to integrate smartphones or tablets and GIS in your field courses or research?
Workshops — Have a class or group interested in learning to use GIS in the context of your discipline?
GIS software — Require assistance with ESRI's ArcGIS, QGIS, or other geospatial software?
Building GIS Apps — Interested in developing your own custom GIS web or mobile applications?
Hosting GIS data — We provide an ArcGIS Enterprise service for hosting spatial data, when ArcGIS Online is not a suitable option (i.e., sensitive data, enterprise geodatabase functionality.)
Our GIS solutions typically leverage Esri's ArcGIS environment, which provides free access to a range of web, mobile, desktop, and server applications. Any U-M faculty, staff, student, or sponsored affiliate is eligible to use Esri applications for university-related research or education. (University-related administrative use is also supported, though under different license terms; contact [email protected] for more information.)
We also have experience with a variety of non-Esri applications for GIS work, such as QGIS, R, Carto, Timeline JS, GDAL, Adobe Illustrator, and Photoshop, AutoCAD, Agisoft Metashape, RealityCapture, lastools, OpenStreetMap, Nearmap, and much more.