We are pleased to publish recordings from our seminar series Engaging Classroom Discussions. This three-part seminar series provides viewers with practical techniques to design quality, engaging discussion activities. The first session discusses ways to design thought-provoking questions and facilitate discussions. The second session explores a variety of discussion tools available to LSA faculty, and the third session shares evidence based strategies and discussion activities to engage students in course materials.
This video discusses ways to plan for and facilitate effective class discussions. These strategies and best practices can be applied to both in-person and online discussions. Topics will include:
planning thought provoking questions
defining instructor and student roles for discussion
fostering student participation
best practices for facilitating discussions
This video explores and compares the discussion tools Yellowdig, Harmonize, and Notebowl and discusses how the tools can supplement the capabilities of Canvas Discussions. We will review:
a basic comparison of discussion tools available to LSA faculty
methods for building community
tips for creating engaging discussions
settings for multiple due dates
grade passback
word counts for discussion posts
This video explores active learning methodologies to engage students in classroom discussion. Learn evidence-based instructional strategies that will help students build on their existing knowledge of course content and reflect on their learning through participating in rich peer-to-peer discussions.
Practical methods that will be covered include:
collaborative note-taking
think-pair-share technique
collaborative concept map
minute paper
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[email protected]