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Catchbox is a throwable foam box with a microphone inside. Instructional techniques where students toss a ball to indicate who is speaking are very common in small, discussion based classrooms — similarly the foam Catchbox acts as a moderation and motivation tool for the students.
Having discussions in a large instructional space always comes with challenges, such as making sure only one person is talking at a time, and of course the need for both you and the other students to be able to hear what students around the room are trying to say. Adding a mic, or even multiple mics in a large auditorium, helps address these issues.
Catchbox can also be used by students reporting back the results of a group discussion or a Think-Pair-Share activity.
When passed down a row, or even tossed at random, Catchbox can encourage students who don’t usually contribute to do so. The security of being the clearly designated speaker, and the boost of not needing to project to be heard can encourage even shy students to speak.
If you’ve never used Catchbox before, schedule a consultation with the LSA Learning and Teaching Consultants. They can help you plan activities, and think about how to best employ your instructional team to support them.
Remember, students can be nervous about addressing the entire classroom — make sure you give them adequate time to prepare or think about the question, and be supportive of students making quick or creative suggestions. You might give out bonus points for especially good answers, but don’t penalize students for wrong answers — that will discourage participation!
If you’d like assistance planning how best to use Catchbox in your course, please feel free to request a consultation with the LSA Learning and Teaching Consultants.
Contact the Technical Assistance Group
Phone: 734.615.0100
Email: [email protected], asking for TAG
To request an evaluation of whether Catchbox can be installed in a space that does not currently have it, please contact [email protected]. Such a request involves several different teams, and may take some time to evaluate.
Which Classrooms have Catchbox?
Catchboxes are available in each of the following rooms:
Angell Hall Auditorium A
Angell Hall Auditorium B
Angell Hall Auditorium C
Angell Hall Auditorium D
Biological Sciences Building 1060
Chemistry 1800
East Hall 1324
Lorch Hall 140
Modern Languages Building Auditorium 3
Modern Languages Building Auditorium 4
North University Building 1528
UMMA Stern Auditorium 061
Weiser Hall 1010
Weiser Hall 110/120Weiser Hall 170
Weiser Hall 182
If your course is scheduled in one of the listed rooms, there is an AV tech who will be there to help you with this and other AV issues in the room. We recommend that you discuss and practice using the mic beforehand.
If you would like help with looking for creative and engaging ways to use the Catchbox during instruction, please contact the Learning & Teaching and Consultation Group via email at [email protected] or by phone at 734.615.0099 to set up an appointment.
Can I use Catchbox in a different room?
The mics used in a Catchbox must be configured to run specifically with the receivers in the room where they are assigned. Unfortunately, it is not easy to reconfigure them, so they have to stay in the room for which they are configured.
Can I use Catchbox with other technology?
Catchbox uses a wireless mic, similar to the ones you might wear during a lecture or presentation. This doesn’t impact your computer, wireless connections, or your presentation directly. It can be used in conjunction with iClicker, any presentation software, or on its own during any discussion or activity.
User Groups: | Faculty Services |
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G155 Angell Hall, 435 South State St, Ann Arbor, MI 48109–1003
[email protected]