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The Transition to Graduate Writing

Louis Cicciarelli
Monday, November 25, 2019
11:30 AM-1:00 PM
Space 2435 North Quad Map
Writing in graduate school calls on students to work in a variety of new genres and challenges writers to expand on their skills as communicators. This workshop will help early graduate student writers identify critical practices and strategies to enhance their writing and build an effective approach to graduate writing. We’ll talk about becoming more strategic readers and examine patterns of inquiry across disciplines moving from the practice of asking good questions to the importance of topic construction. We will also talk about the variety of communication forms graduate writing can take. The workshop will conclude by examining our writing routines and finding ways to expand our own writing process to succeed in graduate school. Lunch will be provided.
Building: North Quad
Event Type: Workshop / Seminar
Tags: academics, Graduate, Graduate School, writing
Source: Happening @ Michigan from Sweetland Center for Writing