How Andrew Yang Can and Should Advance Racial Understanding.

By Neil Gong and Xiaohong Xu


Andrew Yang passed a major hurdle this week by qualifying for the Democratic debate next Thursday. With Kamala Harris’ exit, he has become the leading candidate of color. As the only nonwhite person on the stage, he will have a tremendous opportunity to change the racial narrative, broaden his base and reshape perceptions of Asian Americans.So far, however, his candidacy has been marked by his rejection of “identity politics.” Consider his remarkably economic determinist approach to cultural and racial polarization. Yang suggests we need to “go a level deeper, (and ask) why are so many Americans now struggling and turning on each other?” His answer is economic insecurity, to be addressed by universal basic income. This is an important perspective with appeal in a general election, but it spells disaster for the Democratic nomination, where any candidate must face issues of racial justice and identity head on.

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