(AP Photo/Jessica Hill)

It’s graduation season once again. Graduates all over the world will be entering a workplace that is nothing like it once was. When I started some 20 years ago, my firm provided an allowance for formal suits. Now you wouldn’t want to get caught in one. The workplace today is mobile, virtual and digital. It is where gigantic industrial companies that used to build hardware are trying to become companies that build software. It is a workplace where product companies are pivoting to become services companies.

It’s a world where your car can notify the home of when you will arrive and the thermostat, in turn, can adjust the in-home temperature and your lights to your desired setting. It’s a world where you can talk to your smartphone and it will remind you if you left your garage door open or play your favorite song. One where oil pipelines, airline fleets and all kinds of industrial equipment can receive proactive maintenance based on the analytics provided by millions of embedded sensors.

Innovations and disruptive business models are emerging faster than they ever have in history. What we think of as the norm is being challenged by digital technologies. Driverless cars. Drones and robotics. Internet of things. AI.


Read the full article here.