Tuesday, November 16, 2010
5:00 AM
International Center, 603 E. Madison, Room 9
in Germany, Spain, Argentina, and Russia
Summer Internships in Germany, Spain and Argentina 2011
Placement Programs open to all students enrolled at a US university, internships are 2-3 months; mostly paid in Germany, unpaid in Spain and Argentina.
Application deadlines: Dec 1, 2010 (Germany) and Jan 15, 2011 (Spain and Argentina).
German or Spanish language skills required.
- ALFA Fellowship Program 2011/2012 Enables outstanding young American professionals (25-35) with a graduate degree or equivalent training to develop a genuine expertise through in-country language training, a seminar in Moscow and individualized professional assignments. Â Application deadline: December 1, 2010. Russian language proficiency preferred.
- EMGIP - German State Parliaments 2011 Internship opportunities for students with US or Canadian citizenship to complete one- to three-month internships with German state parliaments and ministries in spring, early summer, or fall 2011. Application deadline: December 1, 2010, for early summer 2011. German language skills required.
- Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange Program for Young Professionals 2011/2012
Work-study scholarship Program in Germany; enables 75 young adults (US citizens or permanent residents) with a high school diploma (18-24 years) to spend a year in Germany (2 months intensive language training, 4 months of college instruction and 5 months internship). Application deadline: December 1, 2010. No German skills required.
For further information, please contact:
Peggy Wunderwald-Jensen, Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, MLB 3416
Tel.: 734 – 615 6336, Email: [email protected], Office Hours: Tue/Thur 2-5pm