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Stars of Russian Ballet Gala

Saturday, August 28, 2010
4:00 AM
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre

Premier of Ballet Russe Detroit!

One Night Only! Stars of Russian Ballet Gala featuring international ballet stars including guest artists of the famed Mariinsky Theatre, St Petersburg, Russia. The Gala will serve as the premier of Ballet Russe Detroit, a new professional ballet company serving southeast Michigan. The performance will feature a collection of beloved ballet pieces including, Paquita, Giselle Pas de Deux and Don Quixote Grand Pas de Deux

Tickets on Sale July 1st. Please call 248-982-7882 or email [email protected]
Performance: Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, 6:00pm

Join us for a special afterglow party with the dancers in the Koessler room of the Michigan League. Dinner begins at 8:00pm. Tickets may be purchased by phone: 248-982-7882 or email: [email protected] Tickets to the dinner must be purchased by July 19th