Semester in Detroit is thrilled to welcome the newest member of our team, long-time Detroit educator and community activist, Kim Sherobbi. We first met Kim when she was the inaugural building manager for the Cass Corridor Commons back when it launched in 2011. In addition, SiD Faculty Director, Stephen Ward, has worked with Kim for years on the board of the Boggs Center to Nurture Community Leadership, and more recently with her neighborhood-based organization, Birwood House. 

The decision to hire Kim grew from SiD’s 10th Anniversary celebrations in April 2019, and in particular, is motivated by one of the main goals for that weekend: Challenge us to create meaningful and sustainable practices to share leadership with our Detroit community partners for the future development and direction of Semester in Detroit. 

Kim’s initial work with Semester in Detroit will focus on three areas: 1) deepening how we prepare and support students to engage in community work, 2) helping us to develop a more strategic approach to community partnership, and 3) exploring new approaches to gathering feedback from community partners to further advance our mission. 

Please join us in welcoming Kim Shrrobbi as the first Semester in Detroit Community Advisor. Feel free to reach out and send greetings to Kim at:; and look out for more about Kim’s work in the coming months and year ahead!