I've now been Semester in Detroit's Program Coordinator for 4 fall semesters and 3 sp/su semesters. Throughout this time I've observed several differences in the programs that have led me to have a slight preference for the fall - preference for the structure of the program itself, not the students! I truly love and appreciate students in all semesters. 


That being said, here are 5 reasons why I believe there's no better way to spend a fall semester than to spend it with Semester in Detroit:


  1. Having students from 3 different campuses (GVSU, UM- Ann Arbor, & UM-Dearborn) creates an opportunity to get to know people you may never have had the chance to otherwise. It also facilitates a unique learning environment that can offer more diverse perspectives than in your classes at your home campus.

  2. Fall semester runs at a slower pace than spring semester (see the schedule breakdown here). There’s often more free time to do what you like - and even an activity fund unique to the fall that you can use to buy tickets to arts and culture events around the city.

  3. Field trips in classes aren’t made miserable by the summer sun (sorry if you like 90-degree weather, but that’s just not me!). Most professors try to plan outdoor field trips for the first couple months of the semester, allowing you to catch an autumn breeze as you ride your bike to Oakland Ave. Urban Farm with Diana Seales or spend more time learning about the history of redlining and segregation outside at the Birwood/8 Mile Wall.

  4. If you’re a UM - Ann Arbor student, you are just one class away from completing an Urban Studies Minor after the fall semester! All SiD classes also count towards the Community Action & Social Change Minor. 

  5. This fall semester will formally end on December 11th, and while you may have one or two assignments to finish up, you will be free to start your winter break much earlier than most students!

The secret 6th reason is that the smaller cohort size allows me - Marion - to actually manage to cook for students when I have them over to my house for dinners at the beginning and end of semester. You should probably do fall semester to try my “bomb” veggie pot pie, which, alongside my Earl Grey & Lemon sugar cookies, got great reviews this past December :)