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Detroiters Speak Winter 2025: Rethinking Education Justice

Detroiters Speak returns
 for the Winter 2025 semester with a focus on "Rethinking Education Justice." The course will explore three overarching questions:

Who decides what and how we learn in schools?
Why are there so many gaps unaddressed by schools?
What is organizing and why do we need it to build power for change? 

Series Dates: February 11, 25;
March 11, 18; April 1, 8, 15
**Tuesdays from 6:30-8:30pm

Light dinner served from 6:30-7:00pm
Class sessions run from 7:00-8:30pm

Free & open to the general public: 
Register here.

Series Collaborators
: Detroiters Speak is a collaborative "community classroom" series that is open to everyone and anyone in Detroit and the greater Metro region. This series is being organized by the UM Semester in Detroit Program and the UM LEAPS Program (Marsal Family School of Education), and our anchor Detroit community partners are 482Forward, The James and Grace Lee Boggs School, and Racquet Up Detroit. Special funding support for this series is provided by the Engage Detroit Workshop Program in the Office of the Provost. 

Find more specific information about each session (location, speakers, suggested readings) in the drop-down boxes below: