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The Department of Romance Languages & Literatures (RLL) main office is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm during the fall and winter terms. During the spring and summer terms, the main office is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm.


Contact our teams:

Undergraduate Student Services[email protected]

Major/minor advising, undergraduate-level courses, general inquiries

Language Placement & Validation Tests[email protected]

Testing for French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Questions related to placement results, AP/IB credit, meeting the language requirement with RLL. Please see FAQ page for more information.

Graduate Student Services[email protected]

PhD admissions, program advising, graduate-level courses

News & Announcements[email protected]

Alumni, current students, and faculty to send news of announcements, events, workshops, etc.

For all other inquiries, contact [email protected]

Susanna Coll-Ramírez
Assistant Director of Elementary Language Program; Lecturer IV of Spanish and Catalan
María Dorantes
Maria E. Cotera Collegiate Lecturer IV of Spanish; Teaching Professor of Spanish
Steven Dworkin
Professor Emeritus of Romance Linguistics and Spanish