Gavin Arnall's book, Subterranean Fanon: An Underground Theory of Radical Change, has been published by Columbia University Press.
Congratulations on this major achievement, Gavin!
Frantz Fanon has reemerged as the radical thinker of the twenty-first century. We turn to Fanon to understand interminable global racism, state violence, and capitalism’s ability to weather ongoing crises. But which Fanon? The dialectical thinker who imagined a new humanity emerging from the shell of the old antagonisms? Or the nondialectical thinker who called for the complete and total destruction of colonial structures of oppression, who imagined with almost eschatological fury a new beginning from the ashes of the old world? Gavin Arnall’s provocative and superb study insists that we need not choose nor attempt to reconcile Fanon’s divided thought. But if we confront his contradictions directly, embrace his unique mode of thinking and imagination, we will surely discover the true depths of Fanon’s radical emancipatory vision.
– Robin D. G. Kelley, University of California, Los Angeles
Arnall’s Subterranean Fanon is a unique combination of close reading and theoretical sophistication. This unprecedented work of intellectual inquiry is one of the most comprehensive, consistent, and cogently argued books on Frantz Fanon. It will reset the terms of further debates on Fanon’s multiple legacies.
– Achille Mbembe, author of Out of the Dark Night: Essays on Decolonization
Written with clarity, subtlety, and purpose, Subterranean Fanon is the first book to undertake an analysis of Fanon’s thought on the basis of the whole of his corpus. In this tour de force, Gavin Arnall makes a compelling case for the disjunctive and translational presence of two Fanons throughout the writings, two modalities for conceptualizing and acting upon the radical change decolonization calls for. The book is essential reading for Fanon scholars and for all those engaged in the urgency of thinking through the grounds and the ramifications of change in our times.
– Natalie Melas, Cornell University
Subterranean Fanon is grounded in Arnall’s expertise in Fanon's writings, which he reads carefully and creatively. He develops an important argument about a central tension in Fanon's thinking between Hegelian-dialectical and Nietzschean-ruptural orientations, each of which expresses a certain kind of radical universalism. This exemplary work of scholarship should shift the ground of debate about this canonical thinker. It is also a welcome example of next-generation postcolonial and political theory.
– Gary Wilder, author of Freedom Time: Negritude, Decolonization, and the Future of the World