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Weaving Life in the Andes Photo Exhibit

Friday, October 23, 2015
4:00 AM
Michigan Union Lobby

In May 2015, a group of students, a program assistant, and a faculty leader for “GIEU Weaving Way of Life in Cusco and Chinchero, Peru” travelled to Cusco. They became apprentices of the ancestral art of weaving in the village of Chinchero. This photo exhibit captures the interconnection of the community with the land, their devotion to weaving, and how this practice is part of a people’s identity.

“Weaving Way of Life in Cusco and Chinchero, Peru” is a 2015 site program in the Global Intercultural Experience for Undergraduates (GIEU). For more information, visit

Supported by: Weaving mentors and friends in Chinchero and Cusco, the Center of Traditional Textiles of Cusco, the International Institute, the Center for Global and Intercultural Study (CGIS), the ISS Media Center, and the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures.

For more information, contact Tatiana Calixto, [email protected]

Michigan Union Hours:

Monday - Saturday:  7am - 2am

Sunday:  9am - 2am