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Kent Berridge
James Olds Distinguished University Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience
4014 East Hall 734.763.4365
Phoebe Ellsworth
Frank Murphy Distinguished Professor Emerita of Law and Psychology, and Faculty Associate, ISR Research Center for Group Dynamics
3054 East Hall
Amie Gordon
Assistant Professor of Psychology
3002 East Hall 734.763.2092
Ethan Kross
Social Area Chair; Professor of Psychology and Management/Organizations
3004 East Hall 734.763.5640
Nansook Park
Professor of Psychology; Director, Michigan Positive Psychology Center
3241 East Hall 734.763.3166
Terry Robinson
Elliot S. Valenstein Distinguished University Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Neuroscience
4024 East Hall 734.763.4361
Lance Sandelands
Professor, Ross School of Business; Professor of Psychology
R5356 RSB 734.764.3128
Sarah Sperry
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry; Psychology Faculty Associate
Brenda L. Volling
Lois Wladis Hoffman Collegiate Professor of Psychology
2026 East Hall 734.764.7379