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Fatmeh Baidoun
Graduate Student; Joint Program in Women's and Gender Studies and Personality & Social Contexts
3031 East Hall
Jacinta C. Beehner
Professor of Psychology and Anthropology
Director of the University of Michigan Gelada Research Project; Director of the Capuchins at Taboga Project; Director of the Beehner Endocrine Laboratory; Director of the Evolution and Human Adaptations Program
4052 East Hall
530 Church St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1043
Rona Carter
Joint Program in Social Work and Psychology Area Chair; Associate Professor of Psychology
2243 East Hall 734.763.2225
Kevin Cokley
Associate Chair for Diversity Initiatives & Space Management; University Diversity and Social Transformation Professor of Psychology
3265 East Hall 734.647.4266
Jim Faulkner
Graduate Student; Cognition and Cognitive Neuroscience
3052 East Hall
Lillian Nguyen
Graduate Student; Personality & Social Contexts
3031 East Hall
Valeria Ortiz-Villalobos
Graduate Student; Combined Program in Education & Psychology (CPEP)
School of Education 1400-F
Joonyoung Park
Graduate Student; Developmental Psychology
2221 East Hall
Nansook Park
Professor of Psychology; Director, Michigan Positive Psychology Center
3241 East Hall 734.763.3166
Janae Sayler
Graduate Student; Personality and Social Contexts
3245 East Hall
Lauren Taylor
Research Technician Associate in the Zahodne Lab
Catherine Thomas
Assistant Professor of Psychology and Organizational Studies
3063 East Hall 734.647.2388
Yiyan (Rose) Wang
Graduate Student; Developmental Psychology
2032 East Hall
Daniel Weissman
Professor of Psychology, Cognition & Cognitive Neuroscience
3006 East Hall 734.615.8038
Keith Wiley
Communications Coordinator
1004 East Hall
Chair's Office