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The 2024 Mexican Elections in Context

Edgar Franco-Vivanco, Blanca Heredia, Itzel Soto, and Aleister Montfort
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
2:30-4:00 PM
Anderson ABC (1st Floor) Michigan Union Map
The 2024 Mexican Elections in Context

Edgar Franco-Vivanco: University of Michigan
Blanca Heredia: TalentumMx
Itzel Soto: Data Cívica
Aleister Montfort: entropía AI

Tuesday, April 9, 2024 | 2:30-4 PM Eastern
Michigan Union- Anderson ABC (1st Floor)

Next June, millions of Mexicans will head to the polls to elect a new president, along with 500 members of Congress, 128 members of the Senate, and thousands of local officials. The Mexican election is a pivotal event in Latin America, with significant implications for the US. With both countries sharing a 2,000-mile border, close economic ties, and common challenges, this election will address critical issues such as security, migration, economics, and the future of democratic institutions. This panel brings together a group of experts to delve into these topics and discuss the upcoming election in an international context.

The event will be recorded but not streamed.

Co-sponsored by the University of Michigan's Center for Political Studies (CPS), Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (LACS), and the Department of Political Science
Building: Michigan Union
Event Type: Lecture / Discussion
Tags: Center For Latin American And Caribbean Studies, Center For Political Studies, center of latin american and caribbean studies, Communication And Media, Democracy, Department Of Political Science, Election, Elections, In Person, Latin America, Mexico, Political Science, Politics, Social Sciences
Source: Happening @ Michigan from Center for Political Studies - Institute for Social Research, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Institute for Social Research, Department of Political Science