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Electricity Independence Student Presentation Event

Thursday, December 10, 2015
5:00 AM
North Quad 2435

Can the University of Michigan Become Electricity Independent without Fossil Fuels?

The students in EARTH/ENVIRON 380 found that the answer is yes, and at an amortized annual cost that is in line with our tuition-funded current payments to DTE for a coal and natural gas fuel mix.  Transforming the University of Michigan's electricity infrastructure from one that relies heavily on non-renewable fossil fuels to one that relies on renewable electricity sources has far reaching positive consequences for the environment and, significantly, allows us to disconnect from the regional grid and become fully? ?electricity independent. This is the definition of sustainability and moves the conversation beyond shell games of investment portfolios to focus on meaningful change that addresses our largest source of greenhouse gas emissions.

We invite students, faculty, staff and the local community to join us on December 10 from 12-2 pm in North Quad 2435 to learn from student presentations the details that can allow the University of Michigan to become the first university on Earth to become electricity independent with renewable resources.

For more information please contact [email protected]