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Alumni News

PitE would like to thank PitE alumni Amy Christiansen (’03), Yousef Rabhi (’10), Rachel Long (’11), and Katie Knapp (’12) for participating in this semester’s Alumni Career Panel.

Join the PitE Alumni Linked Group or the PitE Facebook Group and reconnect with other PitE alumni!

Please e-mail your updates to [email protected] to be featured in the class notes below.

Class Notes: Updates from PitE Alumni

12/17/12 -- Gianna Fazioli (B.S. '11 ) is currently working as the Local Foods Coordinator at College of Lake County in Grayslake, IL. In this role, Gianna provides support to the Local Food Sustainability Initiative at the college, by developing an organic farm and growing fresh produce for the college's food services. She also fosters connections within the sustainable agricultural community and teaches sustainable agriculture courses part-time.

11/5/12 -- Sarah Lindenauer (B.A. '12) is a first year master's student at UM's school of Public Health. She has continued to pursue her interests in global and environmental health and plans to spend this summer abroad. 

11/2/12 -- Preston Parrish (B.S. '11) spent summer of 2012 working as an environment technician completing water quality testing, ash tree assessment and biocontrol introduction, environmental education and invasive species control. He currently works as an AmeriCorps VISTA on a GEAR UP project.

9/1/11 -- Whitney Wiest (B.S. '06) earned a masters in wildlife ecology at the University of Delaware, and is now continuing in their doctoral program working on a survey of Northeast salt marshes for tidal marsh birds. She worked art time USFWS this past summer, doing biology at national wildlife refuges

11/30/09 – David Simon (B.A. ’06) is currently working as an ‘Environmental Scientist – Regulatory Agent’ with Petroleum Field Services and Ascent Geo Services. They do permitting, GIS, etc. for oil and gas renewable industries, respectively. His role is adding and managing a new scope of environmental services to their core business. Prior to his current job, David managed an environmental consulting office in Grand Junction, CO.

7/5/09 – Molly McCullagh (B.A. ’07) is pursuing a dual masters degree in Urban Planning and Agriculture from Tufts University in Boston. She previously worked as the Education Director at Earthworks Urban Farm in Detroit, MI.

6/16/09 – Derrick Golla(B.A.’08) is working with Booz Allen Hamilton in Arlington, VA as an Environmental Policy Analyst.

6/14/09-- David Simon (B.S. ’06) is currently working as a part-time environmental science contractor in Denver, CO. Prior to that, managed an environmental consulting office in Grand Junction, CO.

6/12/09 – Lindsey MacDonald (B.S.’08) has worked for a sea turtle recovery program in Hawaii (Volcanoes National Park Sea Turtle Recovery Program), an environmental education center in Boulder (Cal-Wood), and is currently leading outdoor adventure trips for people of all abilities and ages (Wilderness Inquiry).

6/11/2009 -- Andrew Bracken (PitE Minor ’08) is a Peace Corps Volunteer in Cape Verde, West Africa, working with the Parque Natural do Fogo (Natural Park of Fogo, the island where he lives). Officially he is a Small Enterprise Development PCV with a specialty in Environmental Education, which thus far has involved a lot of Portuguese to English translations, creating a database of park guides, English tutoring, community development within the park, and helping colleagues with various activities that they have planned.

6/10/09 – Angela Atchison (B.A. ’07) -- after graduation , explored the possibility of developing an energy enterprise by traveling to Kenya and building a solar oven project with a local Kenyan partner. She has built on this experience by joining E+Co ( where she is currently working with the finance team.

6/10/09 – “Ahmina Maxey (B.S. ’07) and myself, Lizzy Baskerville (B.S. ’07) are both working for an environmental justice organization in Detroit. Ahmina is the Policy Director working on an anti-diesel campaign and I am the Greener Schools Director working on integrating outdoor classrooms and environmental labs in Detroit Public Schools. We are from East Michigan Environmental Action Council (EMEAC). The organization also has an environmental film program called Re-Media and a Back to Basics program that re-aquaints communities and families with nature.”

8/4/08 -- Ariana Bostian-Kentes (B.A. '05) is working at the UM Language Resource Center and earned her TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certification in Crete in June.

7/28/08 -- Karen Milam (B.S. '07) is an ORISE Fellow at the EPA in Washington, DC.

7/19/08 -- Amy Christiansen (B.S. '03) is working as Teacher Programs Coordinator at the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago.In July she took a group of teachers to the Bahamas to learn aboard the aquarium's vessel, the R/V Coral Reef II.

1/25/08 -- Troy Showerman (B.S., '05) sent a job posting to PitE from his current position as Foreman with Tallgrass Restoration in the Chicago area. He reports that PitE classmate Brad Gregorka (B.S., '05) works at Tallgrass, too.

1/14/08 -- Jon Liberzon (B.S., '06) is researching coral reefs and mariculture as part of a master's degree program in Marine Ecology at Technion Institute in Israel.

1/12/08—Kimberly Smith (B.A. ’06) is the Program Coordinator for Program in the Environment. Prior to that, she lived in Tasmania, Australia for and worked on organic farms in New Zealand.

12/7/07 -- After completing a research position studying steelhead habitat for UC Davis in late winter, Jenna Voss (B.S., '05) moved to Southern California to work for the Orange County Stormwater Program as an Environmental Research Specialist in Anaheim, California. She now helps implement the county-wide Stormwater Program, which acts as the Principal Permittee on two NPDES Permits (Santa Ana and San Diego regions).

11/14/07 -- Kanika Suri (B.A., '05) left Ann Arbor for the Great White North in April '07. She now works as a Field Scientist for the engineering firm SNC-Lavalin Environment in Calgary, Alberta.

11/12/07 -- Bentley Johnson (Minor, '07) is working at the National Wildlife Federation headquarters in Washington, D.C. He is a Water Resoration and Resources Intern (a paid position).

11/2/07 -- Mollie Cohen-Rosenthal (Minor, '05) recently moved to Beijing, China where she's teaching English and learning Chinese. She plans on finding an environmental job in the country once she has some Chinese language under her belt.

11/1/07 -- Megan Miner (B.S. '06) was rescued at sea along with 5 fishermen after the vessel she was monitoring for work at AIS, Inc. sank. Her rescue made NOAA and East Coast News.

10/31/07 -- Emily Garlough (B.S. '06) was featured in a Detroit Free Press interview about her work as a wildfire firefighter in California.

9/24/07 -- Carolyn Leadley (B.S. '06) is interning through this fall with the Catherine Ferguson Academy Urban Farm in Detroit. This is an Americorps position.

9/20/07 -- Sharon Shattuck (B.S. '05) is working at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, in the department of Environmental Conservation Programs. She says, "I owe what I am today first to BVB and Woody Plants!"

9/14/07 -- Wendy Jung (B.A. '04) ran the San Diego Rock and Roll Marathon in June. She is working in Laguna Beach, California as an Assistant City Planner.