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Computational Modeling in Physics Hands-On Seminar for Undergraduates

Saturday, January 19, 2013
5:00 AM
Angell Hall Classroom D (the auditoriums are the small computer labs adjacent to the public lab)

Come find out about MATLAB, and use its library of functions to solve problems in physics guided by members of SPS. There are no prerequisites and no programming experience necessary to attend.

As a participant, you will be introduced to MATLAB, and use its library of functions to solve problems in physics guided by knowledgeable members of SPS. There are no prerequisites - and no programming experience will be assumed. The fundamentals taught during this seminar will give you an invaluable foundation in MATLAB and in computer programming, allowing you to pursue research positions or other jobs that utilize MATLAB.

If you are interested in attending these seminars, please complete this form. Note that there are a limited number of computers available. We will be accepting more students than there are computers. If we cannot offer you a computer, you will be emailed in advance and be asked to bring a laptop so you can follow along in the seminar (you will use Virtual Sites to access MATLAB on your laptop).

Please note: the seminar on the 26th relies on your knowledge from the seminar on the 19th, so it is highly recommended to attend both.

The Society of Physics Students (SPS) will be hosting these seminars. Questions? Please email Kyle Gordon (SPS Tutoring Chair) at [email protected].

Various Speakers