Monday, March 28, 2022
4:00-5:00 PM
Off Campus Location
The High-Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) observatory has been taking continuous high-statistics measurements of TeV gamma rays and cosmic rays from two-thirds of the sky since commencing full operations in 2015. With its wide-angle survey capability, and a sensitivity to photon energies reaching over 100 TeV, HAWC is advancing studies of a diverse set of sources in the galactic plane, pushing the search for dark matter and physics beyond the Standard Model to unprecedented regimes, participating in a rapid, multi-wavelength followup program for transient objects, and providing a unique window into the astroparticle physics of the inner solar system by monitoring the Sun and the Moon. I will present recent highlights from the HAWC measurements that are highly complementary to those of other ground-based gamma-ray and neutrino telescopes, and discuss the role of wide-angle surveys in the era of multi messenger astronomy.
The High-Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) observatory has been taking continuous high-statistics measurements of TeV gamma rays and cosmic rays from two-thirds of the sky since commencing full operations in 2015. With its wide-angle survey capability, and a sensitivity to photon energies reaching over 100 TeV, HAWC is advancing studies of a diverse set of sources in the galactic plane, pushing the search for dark matter and physics beyond the Standard Model to unprecedented regimes, participating in a rapid, multi-wavelength followup program for transient objects, and providing a unique window into the astroparticle physics of the inner solar system by monitoring the Sun and the Moon. I will present recent highlights from the HAWC measurements that are highly complementary to those of other ground-based gamma-ray and neutrino telescopes, and discuss the role of wide-angle surveys in the era of multi messenger astronomy.
Building: | Off Campus Location |
Location: | Virtual |
Event Type: | Workshop / Seminar |
Tags: | Physics, Science |
Source: | Happening @ Michigan from Department of Physics, HEP - Astro Seminars |
Saturday Morning Physics | Breaking Bias, Building Bots: The Intersection of DEI and Robotics
Oluwami Dosunmu-Ogunbi, Visiting Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering (Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology)
10:30 AM
170 & 182 Auditoriums
Weiser Hall
HET Seminar | Black Hole Information, Replica Wormholes, and Macroscopic Superposition States
Steve Hsu (MSU)
3:00 PM
Randall Laboratory
HEP-Astro Seminar | Searching for Light Dark Matter with NOvA and LDMX
Tyler Horoho (University of Virginia)
3:00 PM
West Hall
Brown Bag Seminar | Strong CP and Flavor
Claudio Andrea Manzari (UC Berkeley)
12:00 PM
Randall Laboratory