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HET Brown Bag Series | Conformal truncation: A new method for studying strong-coupled QFTs

Zuhair Khandker (Illinois)
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
12:00-1:00 PM
3481 Randall Laboratory Map
I will present a new numerical method for studying strongly-coupled QFTs. The method is formulated for continuum spacetime of any dimension, in real time and infinite volume, and is thus complementary to other numerical methods, such as the lattice. The method harnesses conformal symmetry, but in a manner applicable to general, non-conformal QFTs. Specifically, the input is information about the UV CFT from which the QFT originates. The output is the physical IR QFT spectrum, along with real-time, infinite-volume correlation functions. I will discuss applications to 2D phi^4 theory, where we have performed novel computations of correlation functions at any coupling, such as the Zamolodchikov c-function along the full RG-flow. The 2D Ising model provides a highly-nontrivial cross-check of our numerics.
Building: Randall Laboratory
Event Type: Workshop / Seminar
Tags: Free, Graduate Students, Lecture, Physics, Science, Talk, Undergraduate Students
Source: Happening @ Michigan from HET Brown Bag Series, Department of Physics