"Understanding Solar Flare Magnetic Reconnection Dynamics and X-Ray Emission Variability through Flare Ribbons Observations"
In the standard solar flare model flare ribbons are the locations in which flare energy deposits in the footpoints of newly reconnected flare magnetic loops. This talk will address 2 recent projects that use flare ribbon observations to study the dynamics of magnetic reconnection during flares. In the first part of the talk, we will discuss the recent finding of studying 73 flares with co-temporal quasi-periodic pulsations (QPPs) in the reconnected flux rate, estimated from flare ribbon observations, and hard X-ray emission (HXR). The second part of the talk will focus on recent developments in quantitative tracking flare ribbon substructure, and the diagnostic potential of these substructures. Our result suggests the plasmoid instability as a suitable mechanism to explain the QPPs in the reconnection rate and HXR emission, and the formation of flare ribbon substructure due to current sheet fragmentation.
In the standard solar flare model flare ribbons are the locations in which flare energy deposits in the footpoints of newly reconnected flare magnetic loops. This talk will address 2 recent projects that use flare ribbon observations to study the dynamics of magnetic reconnection during flares. In the first part of the talk, we will discuss the recent finding of studying 73 flares with co-temporal quasi-periodic pulsations (QPPs) in the reconnected flux rate, estimated from flare ribbon observations, and hard X-ray emission (HXR). The second part of the talk will focus on recent developments in quantitative tracking flare ribbon substructure, and the diagnostic potential of these substructures. Our result suggests the plasmoid instability as a suitable mechanism to explain the QPPs in the reconnection rate and HXR emission, and the formation of flare ribbon substructure due to current sheet fragmentation.
Building: | West Hall |
Website: | |
Event Type: | Lecture / Discussion |
Tags: | astronomy, astrophysics |
Source: | Happening @ Michigan from Department of Astronomy, Department of Physics |
Saturday Morning Physics | Breaking Bias, Building Bots: The Intersection of DEI and Robotics
Oluwami Dosunmu-Ogunbi, Visiting Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering (Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology)
10:30 AM
170 & 182 Auditoriums
Weiser Hall
HEP-Astro Seminar | Searching for Light Dark Matter with NOvA and LDMX
Tyler Horoho (University of Virginia)
3:00 PM
West Hall
Brown Bag Seminar | Strong CP and Flavor
Claudio Andrea Manzari (UC Berkeley)
12:00 PM
Randall Laboratory
Department Colloquium | Non-Reciprocal Phase Transitions
Peter Littlewood (University of Chicago)
3:00 PM
West Hall