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Quantum Research Institute Seminar | Quantum-enhanced interferometric imaging: A step toward quantum-enhanced very-long-baseline interferometry for astronomy

Brian Smith, University of Oregon
Thursday, November 30, 2023
11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Hussey Michigan League Map
Brian Smith, Professor of Physics at the University of Oregon, will be presenting "Quantum-enhanced interferometric imaging: A step toward quantum-enhanced very-long-baseline interferometry for astronomy" as part of the Quantum Research Institute's fall seminar series from 11am - noon in the Hussey Room (2nd floor) at the Michigan League. A Zoom option is also provided.

Seminar Description:
We report a laboratory demonstration of interferometric imaging using a path-entangled single-photon state as a reference field distributed to spatially separated receivers to measure the spatial distribution of an extended incoherent source. The use of distributed entanglement between the receiving stations in this protocol allows measurements without requiring direct interference of the collected light and provides a route to larger baseline separations that could enhance the precision of astronomical telescopes.
Building: Michigan League
Event Type: Workshop / Seminar
Tags: Engineering, Physics
Source: Happening @ Michigan from Quantum Research Institute, Department of Physics, Michigan Quantum Research Institute Seminars