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Featured Exhibit: UN/EARTH
Wednesday, July 5, 2023
10:00 AM-5:00 PM
Museum of Natural History Map
Featuring work by Gina Gibson, UN/EARTH explores science and art from a mile underground. Located in the former Homestake gold mine in Lead, South Dakota, the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) houses experiments that give us a better understanding of the universe. The location—deep underground—provides a near-perfect environment for experiments that need to escape the constant bombardment of cosmic radiation, which can interfere with the detection of rare physics events. Built in collaboration with the University of Michigan, the LUX-Zeplin is the world’s most sensitive dark matter experiment. SURF also hosts experiments in biology, geology and engineering.

Gina Gibson is an internationally exhibiting artist and professor of Graphic Design at Black Hills State University. In 2019, Gibson became the first artist in residence at the Sanford Underground Research Facility. Gibson's work celebrates the search deep below the surface for beauty in the old and new, the light and dark, and the known and unknown.

UN/EARTH was developed in collaboration with the U-M Department of Physics, the Sanford Underground Research Facility and Black Hills State University.
Building: Museum of Natural History
Event Type: Exhibition
Tags: Art, Culture, Exhibition, Free, Museum, Natural Sciences, Science, Visual Arts
Source: Happening @ Michigan from Museum of Natural History, Department of Physics
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