Welcome to the Tanner Philosophy Library Catalog!
If you’ve used the catalog before, you may notice some changes, but rest assured that all of Tanner’s content, both physical and digital, is present, plus some!
How to Use the Catalog
To use the catalog, enter a title, author, or subject using the search bar at the top of either the home page, or on the “search” page, accessed on the left hand navigation column. After your search, should there be multiple pages worth of titles, you can use the page navigation bar, highlighted below, to move between returned titles.
To more specifically refine your search, you can use the advanced search function. There, you can specify more than one search parameter, such that if you know which editor of Spinoza’s Ethics you’re looking for, you can add that in to narrow your results.
Finally, it is very possible that in your search you may encounter some funky characters in your search, a since-corrected example seen below. That “éA” is an encoding error, where the character “é” was misinterpreted by our new catalog. A lot of work has gone into making sure that these errors have been corrected in the titles and contributor fields, but it is very possible that some remain. The library would be incredibly grateful if any of these errors were reported to [email protected]. It is important to us that the library be as usable and accurate as possible, and we are eager to see cases corrected. Work on this is on-going, and we appreciate your patience.
Catalog History
Longer-time Tanner users may have gotten used to our LibraryThing/TinyCat catalog, and we apologize for any inconvenience that this shift may cause, but we are equally excited to present our new Online Public Accessible Catalog (OPAC) via LibraryWorld. The need for an OPAC upgrade was realized at a few different points throughout the last year, and research was conducted into options which would allow us to better manage our periodicals, such that in the new catalog we have access to individual ISSN numbers for journal tracking. Additionally, the Tanner Catalog’s e-book collection of 600 different records has been revitalized with access provided by the University Libraries. We are very grateful to them for their help in that endeavour. Work on the catalog migration began in March, 2020 and has continued as part of the Philosophy Department’s adaptation to working during the COVID-19 pandemic. Work on this new catalog will continue, and we welcome any feedback at [email protected], and thank you very much for your patronage.