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The Philosophy Office is open from 8:00am–5:00pm during the fall and winter term. During the spring and summer term, the office is open from 8:00am–12:00pm and 1:00pm–4:00pm.

Contact Directory

Undergraduate Program — [email protected]

For questions or issues regarding undergraduate courses or advising

Graduate Program — [email protected]

For questions or issues regarding graduate admissions, courses, or advising

Events and News — [email protected]

For questions regarding department events or for alumni, current students, and faculty to send announcements

Department Chair — [email protected]

For department-scale inquiries

Elizabeth Anderson
Max Shaye Professor of Public Philosophy, John Dewey Distinguished University Professor; Arthur F. Thurnau Professor
2239 Angell Hall
Abdul Ansari
Ph.D. Candidate; Rackham Merit Fellow
Shelley Anzalone
Executive Assistant
2215 Angell Hall 734-936-4642
David Baker
Undergraduate Chair; PPE Chair; Professor
2187 Angell Hall
Judith Beck
Undergraduate Coordinator
2215 Angell Hall 734-647-9596
Elizabeth Beckman
Graduate Student; GEO Steward
Gordon Belot
Lawrence Sklar Collegiate Professor of Philosophy
2227 Angell Hall
Jason Lee Byas
Graduate Student; Ethics Discussion Group (EDGe) Organizer
Kelly Campbell
Chief Administrator
2215 Angell Hall 734-647-4006
Nicolas Cornell
Professor of Law and Philosophy
Sean M. Costello
Graduate Student; Graduate Student Rep to Rackham Student Forum
Stephen Darwall
John Dewey Distinguished University Professor Emeritus
Emmalon Davis
Assistant Professor
2224 Angell Hall
435 S State St
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Scott Dennis
Librarian for Philosophy, General Reference, and Core Electronic Resources
209 Hatcher Library North (734) 647-6484
Kristie Dotson
University Diversity and Social Transformation Professor
2263 Angell Hall
Maegan Fairchild
Assistant Professor
2220 Angell Hall
Daniel Fryer
Assistant Professor of Law
3074 Jeffries Hall 734.647.7934
Allan Gibbard
Richard B. Brandt Distinguished University Professor Emertius
Rachael Goodyer
Lecturer and Assistant Director
2248 Angell Hall
Emma Hardy
PhD Candidate
1156 Angell Hall
Daniel Herwitz
Frederick G. L. Huetwell Professor
435 S. State Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Renee Jorgensen
Assistant Professor
2232 Angell Hall
James Joyce
C. H. Langford Collegiate Professor of Philosophy
2223 Angell Hall 734.763-2120
Gabrielle Kerbel
Graduate Student; Graduate Student Mentor
Mika LaVaque-Manty
Arthur F. Thurnau Associate Professor
7640 Haven Hall 734.615.9142
Louis Loeb
Arthur F. Thurnau Professor Emeritus
Daniel Lowe
LEO Lecturer II
2248 Angell Hall
Zuzanna Lutrzykowska
Graduate Student, Undergraduate Outreach Coordinator
Elise Main
Publicity and Event Coordinator
2215 Angell Hall 734.764.6285
David Manley
Graduate Chair; Associate Professor
2250 Angell Hall 734.764.2296
Carson Maynard
Graduate Coordinator
2215 Angell Hall 734-764-3260
Gabe Mendlow
Professor of Law
337 Hutchins Hall 734.764.7488
Sonya Özbey
Assistant Professor of Chinese Philosophy
6139 STB
202 S Thayer St
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1608
Caroline Perry
Graduate Student; Ethics Bowl Coordinator
Josh Petersen
Graduate Student; MAP Coordinator; Spring Colloquium Organizer; Epistemology Working Group Organizer; Knowledge, Information, and Society RIW Organizer
Peter Railton
Gregory S. Kavka Distinguished University Professor; John Stephenson Perrin Professor; Arthur F. Thurnau Professor
2247 Angell Hall
Donald Regan
William W. Bishop Jr. Collegiate Professor
Julian Rome
Graduate Student
Steven Schaus
Assistant Professor of Law
418 Hutchins Hall 734.763.6233
Sarah Sculco
Graduate Student; Graduate Representative; Women's Coffee Rep
Janum Sethi
Associate Professor
2251 Angell Hall 734.763.0763
Lawrence Sklar
Carl G. Hempel and; William K. Frankena Distinguished University Professor Emeritus
Will Thomas
Assistant Professor of Business Law
(734) 763-8814
Kyle Whyte
George Willis Pack Professor; University Diversity & Social Transformation Professor; Professor of Philosophy; Tishman Center Faculty Director
1576 Dana Hall 734.647.7934
Margot Witte
Graduate Student; Aesthetics Group coordinator
Sophia Wushanley
Graduate Student; Organizer for Rackham Interdisciplinary Working Group on Knowledge, Information, and Society; MAP Chapter Representative; Women's Coffee Coordinator; Writing Accountability Group Organizer
Ekow Yankah
Thomas M. Cooley Professor of Law
900 Legal Research 734.763.3525