Graduate Student Instructor
[email protected]
Office Information:
Course: OS208 with Sara Soderstrom
hours: Monday, 2-4pm in my office (R6564 Haven) or on Zoom (by appointment)Tuesday, 11:45-12:45 in Weiser Room #831 (drop-in, no appointment needed)Wednesday, 11:30-2:30pm in my office or on Zoom (by appointment)
Organizational Studies;
Andy is a PhD candidate in political science, studying social movements and innovation, particularly in emerging market contexts. He researches how organizations (including social movement organizations, civil society organizations, and businesses) endure sudden shocks to their sociopolitical environments (e.g., those induced by war or regime change). Additionally, he examines how sociopolitical environments characterized by weak institutions (for instance, because of shocks) affect internet-based innovation and more conventional innovation differently. His work draws from political economy and non-market strategy, organizational theory and management, as well as entrepreneurship and innovation literature, and he uses mixed-methods approaches to study these questions.