New OS Director Mark Mizruchi
On July 1, Mark Mizruchi, Professor of Sociology and a long-time supporter of the Organizational Studies community, became the third Director of the Organizational Studies program. Mark has been a faculty member on the OS Advisory Committee since its inception, helping to guide former Directors on issues ranging from policy to personnel. Mark’s research interests are in the changing nature of the American corporate elite, from the period immediately after World War II to the present. He is also involved in a study of the globalization of American banking and a study of methods for measuring the effects of social network ties. Mark will be at the helm of OS for the next five years.
A warm thanks goes to outgoing Director Jason Owen-Smith, who led the OS program for the past two academic years. Under Jason’s leadership, the OS program has broadened its outreach to the larger University community and increased its student cohort size. Jason is continuing as Director of the Barger Leadership Institute.