OS Leadership Committee (2011-2012) RISING SENIORS ONLY
Since 2008-09, the Organizational Studies Program has included two senior student representatives at its OS Leadership Committee meetings. The OS Leadership Committee consists of highly accomplished Michigan alumni who have supported the OS program through their time, financial gifts, internships, and networking with our students. They work with the program to develop or participate in initiatives that expand learning opportunities for OS students.

Students who are chosen as OS Leadership Committee representatives will take part in the annual OS Leadership Committee meeting which will take place on Friday, September 23, 2011. In addition, these student representatives will be asked to take part in other possible activities of the Organizational Studies Leadership Committee once or twice per term.

Students who are interested in a leadership role in the program and who wish to represent their peers in sharing the student voice with external program constituents should consider applying for this position.

One OS Leadership Committee student representative must also attend the OS Student Advisory Board meetings (see description of this board below).

Students serving on the OS Leadership Committee must be enrolled on the AA campus for the entire 2011-2012 academic year. To nominate yourself for this committee, submit a paragraph and your resume to Melissa Eljamal ([email protected]) on or before Monday, April 4.  Your statement should reflect your commitment to the September 23 meeting date, a willingness to serve the OS program, comfort in communicating with broad constituencies, and the effort to understand and to represent fellow OS students. Two students will be selected from the pool of applicants.

OS Advisory Committee (2011-2012) RISING SENIORS ONLY
The Advisory Committee of the Interdisciplinary Program in Organizational Studies concerns itself most centrally with promoting the academic excellence of the program to best serve its students, faculty, staff, and graduates. Faculty and administrators on the Committee bring a wide range of experience that greatly benefits the Program in planning and decision making. Student members offer their own experience and that of their colleagues to the deliberations. The OS Advisory Committee advises the Director on matters of policy, and offers advice on promising new directions for development. The most important duty of the student members is to represent the student perspective and to be the voice for other students in the program. The committee meets 2-3 times a year and may be contacted at other points during the year.

One OS Advisory Committee student representative must also attend the OS Student Advisory Board meetings (see description of this board below).

Students are selected for a one year term and preference may be given to students who are seniors during the year they serve as representative.  Students serving on the OS Advisory Committee must be enrolled on the AA campus for the entire 2011-2012 academic year. To nominate yourself for this committee submit a paragraph and your resume to Melissa Eljamal ([email protected]) on or before Monday, April 4.  Your statement should reflect a willingness to serve and to represent fellow OS students. Two students will be selected from the pool of applicants.

Curriculum Committee (2011-13)  Open to new OS admits only – 3 new members needed!
The OS Curriculum Committee is currently seeking 3 members from the newly admitted OS class to join the committee.  
Membership on the OS Curriculum Committee typically requires a 4-term commitment (F11, W12, F12, W13).
One position is available for those who plan to be off-campus for one term (either studying off-campus or graduating early).  

The Curriculum Committee considers and discusses broad issues relating to the existing OS curriculum.  Issues may include course offerings, curricular breadth and depth, curriculum structure, and faculty/student views of the curriculum.  The committee typically meets twice a semester, and some additional work between meetings may be required.  Student representation on this committee is vitally important.

If you are interested in serving on the OS Curriculum Committee, please email Cathy Philbin ([email protected]) explaining why you wish to serve on this committee.  One or two brief paragraphs is typically sufficient.  Please indicate if you will be on campus all four terms, or if you will be absent for one term (please indicate which term).

Your response will serve as your application to the committee.  Responses are due on or before Monday April 4.

Please feel free to direct any questions to Cathy Philbin, or to current OS Curriculum Committee student members Rebecca Han ([email protected]), Nick Doulos ([email protected]), Shaun Varga ([email protected]), Stephen Cook ([email protected]), Sara Cohen ([email protected]), or Jonathan Berger ([email protected]).

OS Student Advisory Board (2011-2013) NEW OS ADMITS ONLY
In an effort to ensure that Organizational Studies gets feedback from a broad range of its students, we launched the Student Advisory Board in Fall 2009. The Board consists of representatives from a number of OS and Barger Leadership groups. We are also seeking members at large for this Board. The goals of the OS Student Advisory Board are to provide OS and BLI with an incubator for new programming ideas; to create a greater student connection to the program through a leadership role; and to create greater awareness of the diversity of OS and BLI activity.

The Student Advisory Board meets 3-4 times per year. OS Program administrators might email the Student Advisory Board on different occasions when we have a new idea and would like to get quick student input.

Students on the Student Advisory Board serve for the duration of their OS academic program. Students who are planning to go overseas may still apply, as they can contribute feedback via email. To nominate yourself for this Board please submit a paragraph and your resume to Melissa Eljamal ([email protected]) on or before Monday, April 4.  Your statement should reflect a willingness to serve and to represent fellow OS students.

OS Event Planning Committee (2011-2012)  
This committee will enable students to participate in planning OS events including MOST’s, End of Term party and other events.  Students will work with OS staff in the brainstorming, conceptualization, and coordination of these events.  The committee meets once a month starting the Fall semester and plans events in both the fall and winter term. Please contact Jessica Kowalewski ([email protected]) if you wish to join this committee.