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Marshall Scholarship

Overview and Introduction

Founded by a 1953 Act of Parliament, and named in honor of US Secretary of State George C. Marshall, the Marshall Scholarship commemorates the humane ideals of the Marshall Plan and they express the continuing gratitude of the British people to their American counterparts. 

Up to forty Scholars are selected each year to study at the graduate level at an UK institution in any field of study.  

The scholarship provides full cost of attendance for 1-3 years of graduate study.  Scholars typically pursue one or two 1-year or 2-year Master’s degrees.  

Prospective applicants should plan to apply the year before their intended date of study. 

Campus Application Deadline: August 19th, 2024 at 12:00pm


  • Age: No age requirement
  • Academics: Minimum GPA of 3.7
  • Citizenship:  US Citizenship is required

Selection Criteria:

  • Academic Merit: Quality of Programme of study, knowledge of proposed courses and supervisors, evidence of a strong and relevant academic background, and the quality and bredth of recommendation letters are all considered. A minimum GPA of 3.7 is required.
  • Leadership Potential: Ability to demonstrate one's ability to deliver results from a position of leadership, strength of purpose in the pursuit of one's goals, creativity and innovation in the candidate's approach to answering questions, and self-awareness in evidence of a strong desire to contribute to society.
  • Ambassadorial Potential: Knowledge of US/UK relations, transferable extracurricular activities, interpersonal skills and the ability to engage with others, and the self-confidence and ability to seize opportunities. 

Application Deadlines

  • U-M Deadline: August 19th, 2024 at 12:00pm
  • National Deadline: Late September
  • Endorsement: U-M Nomination is Required

Instructions for Prospective Applicants 

Prospective applicants should join the UK Scholarships Canvas course for an overview of the application, program requirements, additional advising information, and more.  

Application Components 

  1. Three letters of recommendation
    The U-M application will accept four recommendation letters, and if nominated, candidates will be coached on selecting the best of the three.
  2. Proposed Academic Program (500 words)
    You will be expected to identify multiple institutions in the UK where you might study. 
  3. Post-Scholarship Plans (150 words)
  4. Leadership short-answer essay (500 words)
  5. Ambassador Potential short answer essay (500 words)
  6. Personal statement (750 words)
  7. Two-page resume
  8. Official transcript(s)
    A copy of your unofficial U-M transcript saved as a PDF file, as well as transcripts from any other university from which you've taken coursework. Transcripts are not typically needed for dual enrollment courses taken while you were still in high school or from study abroad experiences. If you have questions about this, please send them to [email protected].
  9. U-M class ranking
    A PDF of your class ranking, generated by the Registrar's Office.
  10. U-M Endorsement via Nomination Process

Top candidates for U-M endorsement will be invited to interview with the Rhodes and Marshall Nomination Committee in early September.  Candidates selected for endorsement will work with ONSF to complete the final application before the national deadline.