This webinar features a discussion with scholars on the manner in which race, the intercollegiate athletic enterprise, and the system of higher education intersect to impact Black student-athletes’ experiences. The undercurrent for the discussion is based on one of the principles of the Black Lives Matter movement: restorative justice.


Albert Y. Bimper, Jr., PhD
Asst. VP, Sr. Assoc. Athletics Director
Assoc. Professor, Sport Management & African American Studies
Author, "Black Collegiate Athletes and the Neoliberal State: Dreaming from Bended Knee"
Colorado State University

Deniece Dortch, PhD
Visiting Asst. Professor, Higher Education Administration
Co-Founder, Sista to Sista
Scholar, Racism in Higher Education
The George Washington University

Lori Latrice Martin, PhD
Professor, African American Studies & Sociology
Faculty Athletics Representative
Author, "White Sports/Black Sports: Racial Disparities in Athletic Programs"
Louisiana State University

Joseph N. Cooper, PhD
Chair, Sport Leadership & Administration
Assoc. Professor, Leadership in Education
Author, "From Exploitation Back to Empowerment: Black Male Holistic (Under)Development Through Sport and (Mis)Education"
University of Massachusetts–Boston

Moderated by Ketra L. Armstrong, PhD 
Director, Center for Race & Ethnicity in Sport
Professor, Sport Management
University Diversity & Social Transformation Professor